Sunday, June 30, 2013

upgrade android LG

By Androidku | At 1:21 PM | Label : | 1 Comments
  1. Eaddc3d313c2088882e223c6cc715ef2
    Tak  dipungkiri kalau Android bisa dibilang sebagai sistem operasi baru yang tengah naik daun. Namun, perkembangannya dari versi satu ke versi berikutnya terbilang pesat. BGers yang membelinya beberapa bulan lalu, kemungkinan besar akan merasakan bahwa versi Androidpada HP BGers kini sudah ketinggalan jaman.

    Jangan bingung, apalagi sampai menjual HP tersebut. BGers bisa melakukan upgrade. Namun masalahnya BGers harus menunggu versi upgrade yang sesuai dengan tipe HP yang BGers miliki. Lalu butuh usaha yang cukup riskan untuk melakukan upgrade software ini, Baik sendiri atau via Service Centre. Kelebihan dari dilakukannya proses upgrade ini, ponsel BGers pastinya akan memiliki performa yang lebih baik.

    Untuk yang ingin upgrade sendiri, langkah-langkahnya pun cukup mudah. Apalagi para vendor HP lokal sudah banyak yang menawarkan fasilitas upgrade secara manual maupun via OTA (Over The Air). Secara manual, bisa memanfaatkan PC Suite atau Desktop Manager. Di Sony Ericsson sebutannya adalah PC Companion, sementara di Samsung adalah Kies, dan untuk LG adalah LGPC Siute. Nah… buat BGers yang ingin mencobanya, berikut tahapan yang harus dilalui:

    Upgrade Gingerbread LG Optimus 2X
    1. Instal dan Jalankan LG PC Suite
    2. LG PC Suite Akan Menanyakan Apakah BGers Ingin Memperbarui Perangkat Lunak (software) HP? Klik Ya
    3. Pada HP klik setting masuk ke application lalu development beri tanda centang pada usb debugging lalu sambungkan ke PC dengan kabel data. Setelah tersambung, BGers akan diminta untuk memilih mem-backup lebih dulu data dalam HP atau melewatkannya? Klik OK
    4. Setelah itu akan muncul LG Mobile Support Tool yang berfungsi untuk memeriksa versi software yang terpasang pada HP BGers, klik start updating untuk memulai update
    5. Setelah mendownload software yang diperlukan, LG Mobile Support Tool akan memulai proses update
    6. Setelah update selesai akan muncul pesan update complete, klik exit. HP akan restart, baru kemudian cabut kabel data dari PC setelah HP menyala dengan sempurna.
    7. Untuk mengetahui apakah update yang BGers lakukan sudah berhasil silakan masuk ke setting, pilih about phone. Di situ akan tertampil informasi lengkap mengenai versi software yang terpasang.

    Upgrade Android OS on Samsung devices - Google Play Help
    On some Samsung devices, you'll need to enable your Samsung account in order toupdate to Android 3.2. To do so, please complete the following steps:.
    Anda pernah mengunjungi laman ini.
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    Upgrade Sendiri HP Android Tak dipungkiri kalau Android bisa dibilang sebagai sistem operasi baru yang tengah naik daun.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

[new] harga tablet Advan update Juni 2013 lengkap

By Androidku | At 8:56 AM | Label : | 0 Comments
  1. [new] harga tablet Advan update Juni 2013 lengkap
    [new] harga tablet Advan update Juni 2013 lengkap - harga tablet terbaru, memberikan informasi lengkap ... cara masak hati ayam untuk anak | masakan sehat.
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    16 Mar 2013 – Banyaknya pencarian di google tentang cara root tablet advan T1a ...klik kanan lalu pilih Update Driver Software, Trus kalo ada notifikasi, Pilih ...
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Android Jelly Bean Update di Galaxy Nexus

By Androidku | At 8:55 AM | Label : | 0 Comments
Android Jelly Bean Update di Galaxy Nexus [Video]
Galaxy Nexus rilis dengan Android Ice Cream Sandwichtahun lalu. Kini dengan telah diumumkannya Android Jelly Bean untuk tablet Nexus 7, Google juga memberikan upgrade tersebut pada Galaxy Nexus. Dengan Android Jelly Bean, Samsung Galaxy Nexus terlihat seperti sebuah Android smartphone baru dengan tambahan berbagai fitur pintar.

Situs Phandroid yang menghadiri Google I/O 2012 (27-29 Juni) mencoba upgrade Jelly Bean untuk Galaxy Nexus. Seperti bisa Anda cermati dalam video di bawah ini, ada sejumlah perubahan yang diperoleh Galaxy Nexus saat telah terupgrade ke Android 4.1.

Secara keseluruhan performa Galaxy Nexus lebih baik saat menjalankan Jelly Bean, dibanding dengan Ice Cream Sandwich. Saat swipe atau scroll, semua fungsi tersebut bekerja cepat dan mulus tanpa tersendat seperti yang masih terjadi di Android ICS. Fitur Project Butter dan new camera preview memberikan kesan  baru pada Galaxy Nexus karena Android smartphone tersebut terasa lebih cepat dalam menerima dan mengeksekusi berbagai perintah yang diberikan.

Anda tidak perlu menunggu update resmi Jelly Bean di Galaxy Nexus karena Google telah menyediakan download link Jelly Bean untuk Galaxy Nexus. Setelah Anda install ROM Jelly Bean untuk Galaxy Nexus, silakan coba semua fiturnya termasuk opsi untuk boot into safe mode.

Samsung Galaxy S3 to End Lifecycle with a Jelly Bean 4.2 Update in July or August

By Androidku | At 8:47 AM | Label : | 0 Comments

Samsung's former flagship, the Galaxy S3, is reportedly set for retirement this year but prior to its exit it will be bumped up to Jelly Bean 4.2, new reports said.
The development, however, erases the prospect for current GS3 owners to get a taste of higher Android environment as reports last week from South Korea have indicated thatSamsung is ending the production of a number of Galaxy models to focus on upcoming units.
Among the major casualties of this surprise Samsung is the GS3. Apparently, handsets that will be discontinued are those not performing, in terms of global sales, to the company's expectations, ETNews said on its report.

Strangely though, the GS3 is far from the category as its numbers indicate that it has clocked more than 40 million in global sales and probably will go down in Samsung history as the best selling Galaxy handset ever.
As if to sweeten its impending departure from active competition, Samsung would want to upgrade users' experience of the GS3, which is made possible by the arrival of Jelly Bean 4.2, said to hit the Android-Samsung update pipeline by July or August, according to Gotta Be Mobile.
Citing fresh reports from Samsung-centric blog site SamMobile, GBM said on its piece that the upcoming will transform the current GS3 and make it a little closer to that of Samsung's new banner mobile phone - the Galaxy S4.
Expected features are the new Lockscreen, the enhanced S-Voice functions with the Voice control plus a host of camera application improvements.
"The update is going to be a sizable one, both pre-release and official, and it should have GS3 owners excited as it's likely going to freshen up a phone that was released all the way back in June of last year," the report added.

cara update tablet samsung

By Androidku | At 8:43 AM | Label : | 0 Comments
Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 P5110 supports Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich and later was made upgradable toAndroid 4.1 Jelly Bean. However, there are certain features not included which can only be found on Android 4.2 Jelly Bean. Update your Galaxy tab using CyanogenMod 10.1 with Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean to get Quick Settings, Actionable Notifications and more.
  • Applicable to Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 P5110 or P5113. Do not install this custom ROM to any other devices.
  • Create a backup of all personal information, settings and data files on your device.
  • Install the USB drivers required for your device on the computer.
  • Flashing the custom ROM requires your device to be rooted and unlocked from any network carrier.
  • Enable USB debugging mode on your device.
  • Battery level must be at least 50 per cent.
  • Install a custom recovery on your device such as ClockworkMod or TWRP.
  • Download the CyanogenMod 10.1 custom ROMGoogle Apps package and install Quick Boot app.
Warning: This is a custom ROM and any warranty inclusive on your device will be voided. Developers are not liable for any damages which may occur on your device. Read and follow the instructions carefully to avoid destroying your Galaxy Tab. Do this at your own risk.
Flashing Instructions:
1.      Connect the Galaxy Tab P5110 or P5113 to your computer using a USB cable then copy the downloaded custom ROM and Google Apps zip files on its SD card. Do not extract any of the zip files.
2.      Use the Quick Boot app and select Recovery mode.
3.      Inside the Recovery mode, make a backup of your current ROM. Go to "backup and restore > backup." The backup file is located in the SD card and you can restore it anytime.
4.      In the Recovery main menu, select "wipe data/factory reset" and "wipe cache partition." Then go to "advance > wipe dalvik cache."
5.      After the full wipe, install the CyanogenMod 10.1 by selecting "install zip from SD card > choose zip from SD card > choose the custom ROM zip file copied earlier." Do the same with the Google Apps package.
6.      Once the installation is complete, go back to the main menu and select "reboot system now." The device will restart automatically and boots for at least 5 minutes for its first run.
Well done! Your Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 P5110/P5113 is now running Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean with CyanogenMod 10.1.
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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Install I9070XXLQE Samsung Galaxy S Advance GT-i9070 4.1.2 Jelly Bean Update

By Androidku | At 10:39 AM | Label : | 1 Comments
  1. Samsung Galaxy S Advance Terima Update Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean – Kabar baik bagi Anda para pengguna HP android Samsung Galaxy S Advance I9070, Pihak samsung dikabarkan telah mengeluarkan update firmware terbaru untuk galaxy S Advance yaitu OS Android 4.1.2 Jelly.
    Samsung Galaxy S Advance Terima Update Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean
    Official Firmware terbaru untuk Galaxy S Advance memiliki nomor versi versi 4.1 I9070XXLQE. Update ini datang dengan membawa beberapa perbaikan serta peningkatan dalam performa dan kinerja perangkat.
    Update Android 4.1.2 Jelly BeanSaat ini, Update Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean untuk Samsung Galaxy S Advance baru sampai untuk negara Ukraina, jerman dan Polandia. Jika anda ingin tak sabar untuk mencoba menggunakan update Firmware ini, Anda dapat melihat cara Instalasi-nya di SINI
    Harga Samsung Galaxy S Advance saat ini sekitar Rp. Rp 3.200.000,- untuk 1 unit baru, ponsel android ini memang cukup populer dipasaran.

    Install I9070XXLQE Samsung Galaxy S Advance GT-i9070 4.1.2 Jelly Bean Update

    Samsung has released another official Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean update with firmware build number I9070XXLQE  on Samsung Galaxy S Advance GT-i9070 non-NFC varaints. This is now hitting in Germany, Poland and Ukraine, other countries in Europe might follow soon. The Asian region also gets the I9070DXAMD1 but it  has a lower chagelist number to (660490) the same changes that has found on earlier released in Russia a month ago with build numbers I9070XXLPY and I9070XXLQ4.
    The i9070XXLQE gets a much higher changelist to 1122398, I have a doubt that this one is added with bug fixes, improvements and enhancement for a better UI experience. To those who already updated to Android 4.1.2 and experiencing  launcher lag issues, may try this firmware build XXLQE and you might see some differences.
    I9070XXLQE I9070DBTLQ1 stock firmware

    Firmware info: I9070XXLQE Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean

    Device: Samsung Galaxy S Advance GT-I9070 (unbranded)
    Region: Europe
    Country: Germany, Poland, Ukraine
    PDA: I9070XXLQE
    CSC: I9070DBTLQ1, I9070OXXLQE, I9070OXELPA
    Baseband/Modem: I9070XXLQE
    Android version: 4.1.2 Jelly Bean
    Build Date: April 09, 2013
    Release Date: May 2013
    Changlist: 1122398
    Again, this update now initially available for Germany, Poland and Ukraine users of unbranded Samsung Galaxy S Advance GT-I9070 via Samsung Kies. This might bound to hit the rest of Europe countries soon. Those who might give it a try and want to update their devices now, just grab the official stock firmware I9070XXLQE below.

    How to manually Install Android 4.1.2 I9070XXLQE on Samsung Galaxy S Advance I9070

    If you are an Android device tweaker and knows how to use Odin, you can can upgrade to 4.1.2 now. All you need is grab the original stock ROM and flash it through Odin tool. If you don’t know what this is all about then leave your phone untouched or you might mess it up in no time. This is for experts, tech-savvy’s and alike used only.
     Disclaimer: Use of this guide is solely at your own risk! We are not responsible if anything happens to your device.
    Prepare the following
    - Back up all important data stored from the phone.
    - Fully re-charge the phone’s battery.
    - Use Windows Based computer or laptop, Odin will not work on MAC and Linux OS.
    - Disable Kies on system tray, Kies will block Odin from working.
    - A supplied USB cable for your phone.
    - Remember he APN settings of your device.
    Grab the stock firmware I9070XXLQE
    Note: Do not flash these stock firmwares on Galaxy S Advance GT-I9070P, you will lose your device NFC capability for doing so. These firmware does not support the NFC built-in chips.
    Germany: DBT_I9070XXLQE Download
    Poland: XEO_I9070XXLQEDownload
    Ukraine: RTL_I9070XXLQE Download
    Grab Odin download
    Grab and Install the USB Driver download
    1. Extract or “unzip” the Stock ROM in a separate folder of your computer.
    I9070XXLQE stock ODin
    2. Run Odin on your computer
    3. Set the phone into Download Mode (Hold Volume Down+Home+Power button) then VOlume Up when propmted with a warning screen.
    4. Connect the phone to computer or laptop via USB cable
    5. Click the PDA button and then browse to folder where you have extracted the .tar.md5 file.
    Germany stock is “I9070XXLQE_I9070DBTLQ1_HOME.tar.md5
    6. Make sure “DO NOT TICK” the “Re-Partition” checkbox option.
    7. Hit “START” button to begin the installation.
    8. Wait for the word “PASS” to appear.
    9. Disconnect the phone from the computer once completely rebooted.
    You may then check if you have successfully installed the I9070XXLQE 4.1.2 version by hitting your phone Settings> About> software info.
    Optional: change the default language according to your own or desired language. Hit Settings> About> Language and Text input.
    Also Re-configure APN settings to get rid of Data connection issues.

    Troubleshooting Flashing Failure with Odin

    Q: I got an error message that says “Set-up connection Failed” or “Flash completed (success 0/failed 1)”?
    A: 1. Check your USB connection from the phone to PC,
    2. Connect to another PC USB port
    3. Check and try to another USB cable
    4. Re-install the USB driver.
    Q: Odin just suddenly stuck in the middle of nowhere while in flashing progress, It isn’t responding at all?
    A: Check for possible program that might interrupt the process, like disabling the anti-virus and closing any running programs.
    Try to use another PC or laptop,
    Q: The flashing went well, but now I can’t boot into the system normally. I get past the splash screen, get Samsung bootlogo and music and then it continuously repeat Samsung’s animation?
    A: You can fix it via recovery mode option, do this:
    Boot in recovery mode
    1. Press and hold Volume Up, Home and Power button.
    2. Use volume keys to select, Up and Down and Power or Home key to select the option
    3. Select Wipe Data/Factory Reset using the Home button.
    4. Next select the Wipe Cache Partition
    5. Lastly, select Reboot System Now to reboot your phone in Normal mode.

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